Annual State Convention 2021
October 9, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
West Virginians for Life invites young and old alike to attend its Annual State Pro-Life Convention on Saturday, October 9, 2021 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Trinity Assembly of God in Fairmont, WV. Doors open at 9 a.m. The theme is “All LIFE Matters.” For $35, a buffet lunch is included. College students and teens pay only $15. Groups of 10 or more pay only $25 per person (adults) or $10 per person (college students/teens). A keynote speaker will be featured as will National Right to Life Political Director Karen Cross and WVFL President Dr. Wanda Franz.
Keynote speaker Kurt Kondrich calls himself a “Dadvocate” and advocates for not only his daughter Chloe but for all people with Down syndrome. Together, the father-daughter team proclaim the worth of all individuals with disabilities.

Chloe and Kurt Kondrich testifying before the United Nations
Kurt married his wife Margie in 1996, and they are the parents of their amazing son Nolan and beautiful daughter Chloe. Chloe was born in 2003 with a diagnosis of Down syndrome, and her birth placed the Kondrich family on an incredible journey. Kurt served as a Police Officer for 20 years and received many awards for service to the community. Shortly after Chloe’s birth Kurt learned that up to 90% of children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome were targeted and eliminated – 100% in Iceland. Kurt left his career as a Pittsburgh Police Officer and focused on being a strong advocate for our most vulnerable children. Margie and Nolan taught Chloe to read at age 3, and Chloe has had an amazing life in her community at age 17.
The Kondrich Family has received several awards for advocacy efforts including the PA Pro-Life Federation Leadership Award, The St Anthony Award from the Diocese of Pittsburgh, Good Counsel Homes Advocacy Award in NYC, The Array of Hope St John Paul Threshold of Hope Award, the “Chloe Award” in New Jersey, and the California Right to Life League Education Award. Kurt and Chloe spoke at the United Nations in 2017 and 2018 about the priceless gift of life and the silent genocide against children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome. The Kondrich family also met with the President and Vice President at the White House for the 2018 March for Life.
Kurt and Chloe’s advocacy efforts led to the PA Legislature overwhelmingly passing the Down syndrome Prenatal Education Act (“Chloe’s Law”) in July 2014, and Chloe had the pleasure of signing the law on the Governor’s desk. They were the Keynote Speakers at the Prayer Breakfast at the 2019 National Right to Life Convention in Charleston, SC.
The teens will find inspiration by attending the Teen Day Camp, which runs parallel to the adult convention. Catering to teens, the day camp will provide time for games in addition to learning.
As details become available, they will be added, so check here often as the date approaches.
In the meantime, West Virginians for Life pays for convention expenses through advertising in the annual Convention Resource Manual that is given to all who attend and advertisers around the state as well as being shared at fairs, chapter events, etc. Please consider purchasing an ad in the manual. As they become available, you will find here a Brochure, Ad Contract and Sponsor Form. Deadline for ads and sponsorships is September 3, 2021.
A registration brochure is available here. You may still register after the original October 1 deadline as long as we know you are committed to attending. The price increases to $40 if someone unexpected shows.
Here are the Ad Contract, and Sponsor Form.
Click here to find a convention flyer and Teen Day Camp flyer.
Checks should be made payable to: West Virginians for Life
Mailed to: 25 Canyon Road, Morgantown, WV 26508