This is your invitation to attend the twenty-third annual West Virginians for Life Rose Dinner to be held on the evening of Thursday, November 11, 2021 (6:00 p.m. reception, 7:00 p.m. dinner), at Holiday Inn/The Winchester, 1188 Pineview Drive in Morgantown.

Keynote Speaker Melissa Ortiz
Whether she’s sharing a memory, a laugh, or a perspective on the conflict in the Middle East, anyone who encounters Melisa Ortiz is quick to learn that she is truly one of a kind. Before being old enough to enter the first grade, Melissa had been both a poster child for a major charity and involved in a political campaign. While living with the challenge of a physical disability might give Ortiz license to feel like a victim, have a sense of entitlement, or minimally, be a bit grumpy, she is none of those things. She identifies as a “happy patriot” and is passionate about driving dialogue between conservatives and people living with disabilities. She is uniquely suited to bridge the gap between these two groups and is passionate about bringing them together to create solutions.
A native southerner who has spent periods of her life in Atlanta, Nashville, Jerusalem, and New York City, Ortiz has finally settled with husband Tony in the nation’s capital. Her passion for politics and penchant for communication has taken her from the Tennessee State Senate Clerk’s office to the battle against ratification of the UN Treaty on Disabilities (CRPD). From the very beginning, Ortiz’s family instilled in her the importance of public service. “I grew up in a family who believed in helping other people,” Ortiz remembers. “We just saw people who were in need and we could reach out to do whatever we could.” Ortiz has been involved in countless political campaigns. She worked on the team supporting Sen. Ted Cruz’s Presidential bid and has worked to pass a Constitutional Amendment protecting the rights of all parents. She recently also finished a stint as a political appointee in the Trump Administration where she worked to promote the concept that people with disabilities need employment opportunities and a community framework that will allow them to live independently. Following her experience in the Administration, Melissa served as a visiting fellow for the Independent Women’s Forum, she addressed these issues and more through blog posts, opinion pieces and media appearances.
A Silent Auction will be a highlight of the night, too. Don’t miss it! Additionally, we need to celebrate passage of the Second Chances at Life Act (Abortion Pill Reversal).
The Rose Dinner benefits the WVFL Educational Trust Fund, therefore donations to it are tax deductible less the actual cost of your meal(s). The Educational Trust allows WVFL to buy literature, fetal models, pro-life DVDs, billboards and radio/TV air time (extremely costly) among other educational activities.
There are table sponsorships at various levels. Individual tickets are $50 each. Click here for Rose Dinner Flyer with registration information or register and pay online.
Please R.S.V.P. by November 4, 2021. We look forward to seeing you on the 11th of November!
Call WVFL staff at 304-594-9845 for more information.