Please join us
Monday, Feb. 13, 2023 for PRO-LIFE RALLY DAY!
State Capitol in Charleston at Noon inside the lower rotunda beginning at 9:00 a.m.
Highlights –
- Register in the lower rotunda/get FREE t-shirt from 9 – 10 a.m.
- Meet with your Legislators by appointment* from 9 – 10:30 a.m.
- Be introduced in the House/Senate Galleries when session begins at 11
- Rally at Noon in the lower rotunda – hear keynote speakers
- Prayer Processional Following Rally (carrying crosses)**
* YOU must be proactive in setting up appointments with your legislators.
The day will be filled with fellowship, music, exciting speakers, and a special prayer walk through the Capitol on behalf of the unborn.
** The crosses we carry will represent aborted babies. According to the latest figures from National Right to Life, roughly 2,400 unborn babies in the U.S. are lost to abortion each day.
Covenant Christian School in Morgantown is taking a 30-seat bus to the Capitol for Pro-Life Rally Day on Monday, February 13. Besides the 8th graders and chaperones, there may be some seats left for the public-at-large. The bus will leave the Covenant Evangelical Methodist Church lot, 802 Green Bag Road, at 6:15 a.m. and should return by 5:30 p.m. A scheduled meeting with Senator Mike Oliverio will take place at 10 a.m. A freewill offering will be taken up to pay for the gas. Please be generous. To be wait-listed for a FREE seat reservation, please contact Bus Captain Rhonda at 304-319-6410 (texts welcome).
Shuttle service, parking information, and all things “CAPITOL” may be found here.
Directions to the Capitol
From points North: Take I-77 South to the Greenbrier Street/ State Capitol Exit (Exit 99), turn right off the exit ramp onto Greenbrier Street, then turn left at Washington Street into the State Capitol parking lot.
From points East: Take I-68 West to I-79 South, then to I-77 South. Take the Greenbrier Street/ State Capitol Exit (Exit 99), turn right off the exit ramp onto Greenbrier Street, then turn left at Washington Street into the State Capitol parking lot.
From points South: Take I-77 North to the Greenbrier Street/ State Capitol Exit (Exit 99), turn right off the exit ramp onto Greenbrier Street, then turn left at Washington Street into the State Capitol parking lot.
From points West: Take I-64 East to the Greenbrier Street/ State Capitol Exit (Exit 99), turn right off the exit ramp onto Greenbrier Street, then turn left at Washington Street into the State Capitol parking lot.
For additional information: 304-594-9845 or