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Life Matters Spring 2025

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Accomplished The First Step Towards a Big, Live-Saving Goal

Alicia Martin, Program Director

On January 10th, WVFL’s Host Sponsor Luncheon kicked off fundraising efforts related to the 27th Annual Rose Dinner.  Senator Chris Rose hosted the event, which was held at the Marriott Waterfront in Morgantown.  The audience was first treated to a review of 16 major legislative victories that they had helped to accomplish over the decades.  This was accomplished with the animated assembly of a beautiful puzzle that had been created by WVFL Treasurer Doug Joseph.  The presentation showed how the abortion community is attempting to skirt WV’s pro-life laws, and segued into explaining a strategy to educate the women of West Virginia.

The main points of this pro-life strategy include:  1) Educating about the dangers of obtaining chemical abortions using RU-486 pills; 2) Publicizing the truth that abortion pill reversal is safe and effective; and, 3) Protecting West Virginians from the dangerous abortion industry by describing the plans and methods the industry uses to make money.  In order to fund this strategy, generous attendees gave and pledged more than $50,000 towards the ultimate goal of $250,000.

Your Help is Needed: Step 2 

WVFL is now focused on Step 2 of this big, quarter-million-dollar goal: Finding additional sponsors and encouraging people to register for the Rose Dinner.  This gala event will be held on Friday, April 25th, at the Marriott Waterfront in Morgantown.  The keynote speaker will be Rachel Campos-Duffy.

Rachel Campos-Duffy is a NY Times best-selling author, communications consultant, and television personality specializing in politics, culture and parenting. She is the host of America’s #1 rated cable news morning show, “FOX & Friends Weekend” on the FOX News network. She is married to former Wisconsin Congressman Sean Duffy, who has been recently sworn in as Transportation Secretary in the Trump cabinet. They have nine awesome kids. The youngest daughter, Valentina, was born with Down Syndrome, and Rachel considers it a privilege to use her platform to advocate for her daughter and everyone with special needs.

Would you please consider attending the Rose Dinner this year? It’s only $60/plate to participate in this important life-saving fundraiser. Whether you are able to attend or not, perhaps you can help sponsor the event? Upper-level sponsorships come with tickets to the VIP Room, where you can meet with Rachel Campos-Duffy and have your picture professionally taken with her.

For Registration and Sponsorship details go to

We hope to see you on April 25th!

WVFL President Dr.Wanda Franz explains the ‘Abortion Corridor,’ which seeks to funnel women into Maryland for abortions.