What can the Church do?
Do you have a Heart to Pray for Abortion Personnel and their Clients?
We all have a role to play. If your role is “Prayer warrior” or sidewalk counselor, then join our chapters at the local abortion facilities
Hagerstown Abortion Clinic, 160 W. Washington Street, Hagerstown, MD
Although the chapter is in need of a new leader, it has been known for its effective sidewalk counseling in front of the abortuary in Hagerstown, Maryland, and that still continues. The number of unborn babies saved has now reached 562. Also the abortion clinic has gone from being open two days a week to just one day. To get involved with the sidewalk counseling there, contact Lisa Hite Plaisance at hitelisa@hotmail.com.
Women’s Health Center, 510 Washington Street, Charleston, WV
New group but already has arranged for two women to choose to adopt their babies to members of the group. Contact Missy Ciccarello at 304-989-0889 (cell).
Pray from home for the clinic personnel and their clients to choose life.
Life Chains in West Virginia
2017 Life Chain in Berkeley County

Often pastors and lay people want to share pro-life educational materials, but don’t know where to obtain them. WVFL sends a Life Letter to churches in its data base two times a year, once for Sanctity of Human Life Sunday (SOHLS), which is usually the Sunday closest to the January 22nd Roe v Wade anniversary and Respect Life Sunday (1st Sunday in October, which is October 1 in 2023). In 2023, SOHLS is Sunday, January 22. The Life Letter contains state-related timely information. So be sure to give WVFL your church contact information, yes, but also utilize the contents found here.
Feel free to print off this church bulletin insert. It has a front and a back and has been mailed to many but not all pro-life churches in West Virginia. If your church is to be added to the West Virginians for Life mailing list, email info@wvforlife.org or call 304-594-9845.
Cross Memorial Project
WVFL has prepared 3,000 small wooden crosses to represent the number of abortions performed every day in America. These small crosses are easily transported to produce a traveling memorial. Churches can arrange to receive these crosses for special pro-life events or simply to do pro-life education in the community. By placing these crosses in a field or lot near a well-traveled highway, a visible reminder is created of the terrible loss of life occurring every day in America due to abortion.
Your own Memorial: If you have lost a child to abortion, or you would like to dedicate a cross to a loved one, you may place that name on one of the crosses. As the Memorial travels throughout West Virginia, your loved one will have a living tribute every time the crosses are erected in another location. For the women who are being healed of an abortion, this would be an opportunity to have a memorial to your child, giving him or her a name as a witness to the world that God’s gift is eternal life, and we will one day share in a glorious, everlasting reunion with these precious babies who are waiting on the other side.